Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Even Bees Aren't This Busy!

Whew. I'm exhausted and it's only Wednesday.

This past weekend we had my son's birthday party at the Houston Zoo. It was fun but really, really HOT. I know, you're shaking your head at me right now and saying, "Well duh, it's August in Houston. What'd you expect?!" But honestly, I booked the zoo before we starting having the record triple digit weather.  I booked it for the morning slot 9:30-11:30 (see, at least I didn't book the party in the middle of the afternoon) and although I melted by the time the party started, everyone had a great time.
We served Chick Fil A mini chicken biscuits and fruit salad, and tons of water. I did the easy route and had cupcakes instead of a cake. I had made binoculars for the kids using toilet paper tubes wrapped in animal print paper, and attached yarn so they could wear them around their necks. Then I had a bunch of animal stickers for the kids to decorate them which turned out to be a big hit. After the party was done, we boutght all the kids a round on the carousel and then handed out goodie bags.

The family walked around the zoo (there were 12 of us counting us, parents and siblings and kids) and at 1pm we headed over to the elephant barn where my teammate Kim let us in. She's one of the elephant keepers there and we got to have a meet and greet with a mommy elephant and her baby. They were so cute, and we got to pet and feed them! The baby was still getting used to using her trunk so when they let Jakob hold out a piece of carrot, it took her a few tries to grab it. Of course she left a big trail of nose slime on his hand, and he was slightly grossed out by that. But he still loved the experience.

Monday back to work was nice and hectic as any Monday would be. Luckily it went by quickly and I didn't have to grumble about it anymore. Yesterday was even busier, as one of my customers is doing a huge promotion so I was up to my ears in paperwork and dealing with issues. I was glad it was Tuesday Bruiseday becasue I needed to skate out all that stress!
At my doctor appointment last week, they took x-rays and said my hip joint looks fine, and after explaining all of the details the doctor thinks I strained the muscle pretty hard. He told me to continue icing and stretching and he gave me some Mobic to help with the pain. Told me I could still skate but if the pain was bothering me to scale back and not push too hard. If it still hurts a month from now they'll do an MRI to see if the injury is more severe.

So last night I was cautiously optomistic about practice. The anti inflammatory was already helping (it had gotten so painful that my hip ached badly even when sitting), and I was hydrated and feeling good. I was able to stay in the advanced group for the whole practice, and it was nice being back in my group since the last two weeks I took it easy and skated with the intermediate girls. I got home around 10 and thoroughly worn out, I went to bed.

This morning was another stressful one, I think I got up from my desk a total of 2 times. My mom took me to lunch so we could start planning my sister's baby shower (she's due 2 days after Thanksgiving!) and I'm creating some art to turn into the invites, and also as a gift for her to hang on the baby's wall. Thankfully the afternoon has slowed down enough that I was able to catch up on some other things, not to mention this neglected blog. *ahem* I am hoping that tomorrow and Friday are a bit breezier, but not in terms of indoor temperature, as right now I am bundled up in two sweaters due to the office AC being on full blast. But that is a whole different issue.

I am looking forward to this weekend, my sister and brother-in-law are having their housewarming party and it's also my brother-in-law's birthday. We got to hang out with them at the zoo, but it will be nice to visit with them and not lose 8 pounds in sweat at the same time. But that means I have to do some shopping for both their house and my BIL's birthday present. Yay, shopping! But, maybe tomorrow because I'm ready to fall asleep right now... zzzzzzzzzzz

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