Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh, Monday. It's You.

Once again, that creep Monday has shown up at my door. I know we all give Monday a bad rap, and unfortunately that's his lot in life. Nobody enjoys the weekend ending and the work week starting. Well, unless you really love your job. In that case, consider yourself lucky.

I woke up this morning with the same familiar dread after turning off my phone alarm three times. If you couldn't tell, I am not a morning person. And if you talk to me before I've had my first cup of coffee you'll realize I'm no Suzy Highschool. It's really hard for me to physically get out of bed since I'm usually woken up at least once a night by my son. (Last night he was bright eyed and bushy-tailed at 2am for a potty break. Luckily he did not have an accident, and thankfully he went back to sleep pretty quickly afterwards.) But I did finally get up and start getting ready. The drive in to work was surprisingly uneventful, and in Houston that's remarkable since there is always traffic at any hour of the day. Already I'm thinking this Monday won't be so bad.

When I got to work, I got some coffee and became a productive member of society. I had an interesting conversation with one of my club depots, the receiving clerk couldn't understand me when I said I wanted to schedule a delivery of rice - he thought I said lice. Oh the fun times I have here!

The zoo called me and said that everything is ready for Jakob's party on Saturday. Yay! We decided that four was a great age for a party at the zoo, and the price was comparable to a party at one of those inflatable jumpy places. (And we're all jumpied out.) One of my teammates is the elephant keeper, so she said after the party we could bring Jake and his cousin to the elephant barn and she'd let us in to pet/feed the elephants. Jake is really stoked about that, and so am I.

So this will be a busy week getting things finished for the party. I have been collecting toilet paper and paper towel tubes to turn into little binoculars for his party so the kids can use them the rest of the day to "view" the animals. I need to decorate the tubes in different animal prints, attach yarn so they can hang them around their necks when not in use,  and then at the party I'm going to give each kid a sheet of zoo animal stickers to decorate their binoculars. It's as close to Martha Stewart as I can get. And yes, I stole the idea from Jakob's preschool class when they made "birdwatching binoculars."

Tonight we'll go grocery shopping because our fridge is crying to be stocked back up, and we'll get some cupcakes that Jake can take to school on Wednesday for his actual birthday. I'm going to do cupcakes on Saturday as well, because those are easier to transport than a whole cake. Plus I'm sure there are several other last minute things I'll need to grab between now and then.

Tuesday is my derby practice, Wednesday is Jakob birthday so we'll do a family thing in the evening, Thursday will be occupied with party stuff and Friday I have a doctor appointment to get my hip looked at - a stubborn ache/pain that hasn't gone away in over a month. I don't know if it's muscle or joint related, but normal heat/ice/stretching therapies have no effect.

So Monday, you had the nerve to show your face this morning. But this week is going to be busy and fun (mostly) and I will soon forget about you. I know you're a stalker though, so we'll probably do this again next week. Oh well.

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