Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Zombie Kate

As you can see from my illustration, this is how I feel today.
Disclaimer: I will not be responsible for anything I may say or do today because I am running on about three hours of sleep.

Last night I had a great derby practice. The advanced group was awesome and we all kept together and communicated well and were on top of things. It was really enjoyable. We did some endurance, so my hip was yelling at me but I pushed through it and hung in there. I'm paying for it today, but it was worth it. I came home feeling good tired because it was such a successful workout.

I walked in at 10pm and got everything unloaded, then I helped Jason start a new IV because the one he already had blew out, and there was no way we were getting a home healthcare nurse to come to our house at that hour. (But that's a whole different story in which I will rant about the lack of healthcare that is provided by home healthcare nurses these days - or at least all of the ones we've come in contact with.) Being around IV's and hospitals for so many years, Jason and I can start a new IV if he gets into a bind and there's no nurse around to do it. Acutally, when we do it it's done quickly and usually only takes one needle stick, as opposed to the 10-20 tries that the nurses do. But again, that is a different post for a different day... I got my work stuff ready for the next day while he started his medicine and then I jumped in the shower.

Jason's medicine finished around 12:20 so we got in bed. Just as I got in a super comfy position and started falling asleep, I heard Jakob get up and climb down his bunkbed ladder. I glanced at the clock and it blared 12:45 at me. So I got up and met him in the hallway to take him back to his room. I got him in bed and he was restless, but finally fell back asleep around 1:15am. I quietly snuck out of his room and got back in bed. But now I was wide awake. Crap.

Tossing and turning, I couldn't get comfortable. My left hip was yelling at me from practice, and my right arm kept going numb if I tried sleeping on that side. I finally got up and did some yoga stretching (the triangle stretch hits my hip just right!) and deep breathing. Got back in bed and looked at the clock. It was 2:45am - le sigh. I eventually got comfortable again and started to drift off. Oh no, what's that noise? Yep. Jake is climbing down his ladder again. GAH. I went back into his room and he said he needed help falling asleep again. At this point I was so tired that I helped him back in bed, and told him that Mommy needed sleep so he had to go to sleep and STAY asleep. He closed his eyes and thankfully was out within 10 minutes. At which point I tried to quietly stumble back down his ladder and shuffled to my room. I practically fell in bed and yep, by that time it was after 3am. 

Needless to say, I overslept my alarm (didn't wake up till almost 7 - yikes!) and was late to work this morning. Houston traffic also contributed to my lateness, I sat in a standstill on the freeway ramp for 15 minutes. Merge, people! Use your gas pedal!! Move out of my way!
This morning my BFF, Coffee, has abandoned me. What a B. She never comes through for me when I really need her... I need a new BFF.

I hope that sometime today I wake up and shake this fog that I'm in. Because as I mentioned in my disclaimer, I'm not responsible for my speech or actions. If you ask me a question you may receive a dumbfounded look in return. I'm surprised myself that I was able to write this blog entry and it sound mostly coherent. I think. Or rather, I don't because I'm too tired...

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