Monday, August 29, 2011

In Which I Temporarily Turn Into A Guy

Okay... maybe I could have picked a better title. As this one is quite misleading and you are probably wondering if you should actually continue to read this post. It's safe, I promise.

I picked such a title because I'm pretty girlie in most things I do, with the exception of roller derby because I'm not afraid of being hit on the track, and building classic cars with the hubs because I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty (or breaking a nail). But on a daily basis I can be a bit prissy. Just ask Jason who can attest to the fact that I NEVER leave the house without makeup on, and how it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to get ready every morning. (Though he'll say 2 hours, it's not true. I swear!)

So you'd think I'd enjoy one of the most girlie things to do - shoe shopping. The fact is I hate it. I know, slander me now. I happened to put that as my status update on FB during my shoe hunt, and got all sorts of surprised and outraged remarks. But it's true. I absolutely loathe shoe shopping becasue it always takes me forever to find something. Either I will love the shoe and it won't fit properly, or they won't have my size, or everything is hideous or completely out of my price range. I'm sorry to say I don't like spending more than $30 on a pair of shoes. I know, again, total blasphemy in the girl world. (Also, I don't own a whole closet full of shoes. I figured I'd get that out there too since you're already thinking I'm completely crazy.)

Because I try to avoid shoe shopping like the plague, I am the type that will have several pairs of good solid shoes, and I will wear them until a pair happens to wear out and I have to find a replacement. I.E. When it comes to shoes, I turn into a guy. I think it's a necessary evil, because I don't have a ton of time to spend getting frustrated over something. Why torture myself?

Yesterday I reached the point of needed a new pair of work heels. Oh, I do have to point out that I have a few pair that I rotate around with my outfits, it's not like I only have one pair of heels that I constantly wear. Give me a little credit. Nevertheless, I reached the critical time where I couldn't put off shopping any longer. So I reluctantly kissed my husband goodbye, and said I'd eventually return depending on how painful this trip was going to be. Yes, I'm that much of a drama queen.
I headed out into the scorching Texas heat to begin the unwelcome errand. At least I had my mp3 to keep me in high spirits, I was currently playing a Me First and the Gimme Gimmies album. I figured I'd start at Kohl's, a store I never shop at, but my boss gave me a 20 percent off coupon. Why not? At least I'd save some money in the process.

I made a beeline for the shoe section and started my hunt. I found several cute pairs but of course they were either out of my size, or they didn't fit me comfortably. And it's not like I have giant feet, I usually wear a 6 1/2 - 7 depending on the shoe. Aisle after aisle the same thing happened. I had already been there a good 45 minutes trying on shoes and huffing in frustration. Then I found a cute pair of three inch peep-toe heels that were black and gray plaid (they called it "Boston print") with a black patent heel. Reserved enough to wear to the office, but sexy enough to dress up and wear on the weekends. Perfect! Now I just had to find the right size... Oh! They have it! Okay, how's the fit? Hmmm, not to bad. I decided to walk all over the shoe department to make sure they'd feel good. I realize buying new shoes requires breaking them in once you've bought them, but I wanted them to feel somewhat comfortable before I committed to a $32 pair of shoes. After spending another 20 minutes walking, turning, stopping, and walking again (I can't deny that I didn't pretend I was a runway model at any point during that time) I decided to purchase them. Success! I finally found a pair of shoes, and it didn't take all afternoon or the need to visit several stores! And with my coupon the shoes were only $28 with tax so they came in under my $30 preference. Even better!

Walking back out into the sauna that is Houston humidity, I had a spring in my step. I had shoes. And cute ones! Yesssss! Okay, so this part of shoe shopping I admit is fun. When you actually find something you like and you get to take it home and wear them and plan which outfits to wear with them. I can get into that. I guess I just need a shopping buddy the next time I need shoes. That way if I don't find shoes, at least I had a good afternoon with a friend. I may end up actually enjoying the process and then I can turn back into a girl when I have to shoe shop. Yeah, next time I'll bring company. I will no longer be a guy when it comes to shoes!

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