Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Lesser of Two Weevils

The answer to that my friends, is a dead one.

I am a reasonably neat person. I will admit I'm OCD organized at work, but at home I'm a healthy level of clean and organized. At my house you don't have to be afraid of sitting on the furniture or using a plate or a glass, but at the same time, my house is not a pigsty. Even if my kitchen table becomes a catch-all more often than not, it's always organized piles of mail, papers and other things. Pretty clutter, as I like to call it.

The one exception in my house is my pantry. I am psycho particular about having everything in it's exact place, and take care to arrange/rearrange when I find items on the wrong shelf. (I swear, Jason does that sometimes just to see how long it takes me to fix it.)

Last night I was unloading groceries while Jason gave Jakob a bath and put him to bed. We make a good team, always splitting bedtime duties. But I digress... While happily feeding my pantry OCD, you can imagine my surprise when I found a tiny bug walking on the cereal/pasta shelf. Gasp! No. No, no, no, no, no! What is that doing there! OMG, there goes another one! HOLY CRAP, it's an invasion!! (Picture me running around in circles pulling my hair out.) And I really did freak out when I found out that the culprit was a bag of Orowheat mini sandwich thins. Damn you Orowheat for making me think I'm being healthy, and then planting BUGS in my house!

I proceeded to go through the entire pantry and throw out anything that I thought may have been a snack for those little guys. I would have vacuumed too, but seeing as how Jakob was going to bed I thought it best not to make too much noise. So once Jason came out of Jake's room, I burdened him with the task of vacuuming/washing out the entire pantry while I'm at work today. Who says I'm not generous at sharing household chores?

Needless to say, having that kind of experience right before bed did not bode well for my quality of sleep. After Jakob woke up at 3am needing to go potty (I am seriously cutting off his fluids at 7pm) and getting him back to sleep, I myself fell asleep quickly but not peacefully. I tossed and turned, first dreaming of a giant spider trying to trap me in its web, then I dreamed of a scorpion chasing me (though I've never seen one in Houston), and finally I had a dream that a wasp kept swarming me trying to sting me. Part of that could have stemmed from me accidentally stepping in a fire ant bed the other day and not breaking free unscathed. Uh, I mean un-stung.

I hate all bugs today. Even the cute ones like ladybugs. If you are of the insect variety, avoid me like the plague. For if not, my shoe may end your life.

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